There are several joystick scripts going around, however the few I stumbled upon had limited control sensitivity. A virtual analog controller should allow full 360 degree control (even if limited to certain directions within game-play, the system should allow for expansion/re-use), and MUST enable movement sensitivity (the character should move with a relative speed to the amount the joystick has moved).

In this post I am sharing a script I have written based on other implementations I have seen. Feel free to use it in your games.

analog stick

below is the script in action

This movie requires Flash Player 10

If you want to skin your joystick, here is a nice inspiration link


import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class VirtualJoystick extends MovieClip

private var _startX:Number = 0;
private var _startY:Number = 0;
private var _tension:Number = .5;
private var _decay:Number = .7;
private var _xSpeed:Number = 0;
private var _isDragging:Boolean = false;
private var _angle:int;
private var _radius:int = 50;

public function VirtualJoystick()
_startX = joystick.x;
_startY = joystick.y;

//add listeners
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, on_enterFrame);

// Mouse down handler
protected function on_mouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void
_isDragging = true;

// Mouse up handler
protected function on_mouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void
_isDragging = false;

// EnterFrame handler
protected function on_enterFrame(e:Event):void

if( _isDragging )

_angle = Math.atan2(root.mouseY-_startY,root.mouseX-_startX)/(Math.PI/180);

joystick.rotation = _angle;
joystick.knob.rotation = -_angle;

joystick.knob.x = joystick.mouseX;
if( joystick.knob.x > _radius ){
joystick.knob.x = _radius;

//rotate player to match joystick direction
mcPlayer.rotation = _angle;

//keep player on screen
if( mcPlayer.y < 0 )
mcPlayer.y = 0;
if( mcPlayer.y > stage.stageHeight )
mcPlayer.y = stage.stageHeight;
if( mcPlayer.x < 0 )
mcPlayer.x = 0;
if( mcPlayer.x > stage.stageWidth )
mcPlayer.x =  stage.stageWidth;

//move player proportionate to amount of joystick movement
mcPlayer.y += Math.sin(_angle*(Math.PI/180))*(joystick.knob.x/8);
mcPlayer.x += Math.cos(_angle*(Math.PI/180))*(joystick.knob.x/8);


//Return joystick to neutral position when not touching

_xSpeed = -joystick.knob.x*_tension;
joystick.knob.x += _xSpeed;



I have had a few people asking me for the FLA for this example, so here it is: